Roeverian-Thanthai Hans Roever College,Peramabalur

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

[roevermca1996] FW: Job for disabled

Please do the needful simply by forwarding this to everyone!!!

Anywhere anyone in the world will get benefited.. !!!


 Someone happened to come across an interview in TV conducted by pothigai channel, interviwed a person named Mr.Krishnaswamy...

He belongs to AbilityFoundation Madras...


They are like a consultancy who bring companies for recruitment for the disabled...who completed Diplomma,B.Sc,B.Tech etc....


Till now they have made 32companies for recruitment...

so, before they had, 700 disabled candidates attending the interview and out of them 65 candidates were selected and now they are in the job..

he told that they have brought software companies too...


this is a great oppurtunity for them....this is for people who completed their degree or doing their degree...


And November 30th is the last date for registering for interview...

only registered candidates are allowed to attend the interview they dont want any mishappenings without registration...

Dec 17th,18th interview

they prefer only one person accompanying the candidate for help.


i think it is conducted by Lions club and sponsered by ASN india.


contact details: 


For more queries Call : +91 44 2445 2400
Or mail at

Employee Ability-2005

 C /o.Ability Foundation,

28,Second cross street,

Gandhi Nagar, Adayar,





